We are a group of independent Baptist churches in Ohio who voluntarily associate with each other for fellowship and with the vision of “Spreading the Gospel in Ohio through Healthy Churches.”
Our full title is the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches, the OARBC. Feel free to download a full copy of our Constitution.
Many of our churches also fellowship with a national group, called the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches, the GARBC.
So Much to Offer!
An Honorable Heritage
The Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches took its first official stand in 1928 at the Central Baptist Church in Columbus, Ohio. We stood for the truth of God’s Word and its presentation of God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. We stood against liberal theology within the Northern Baptist Convention (NBC), its denial of the supernatural element in Scripture, and the person and work of Christ. This stand resulted in the formation of the Ohio Association of Independent Baptist Churches and our separation from the NBC.
Liberal leaders in the NBC were denying core New Testament beliefs. They rejected the miraculous-supernatural elements of the Christian faith. They tried to explain Jesus’ miracles with more “natural or common sense” explanations. When it became clear that this way of thinking was prominent within the NBC, we decided to separate and begin a group that believed and stood for the supernaturalness of Christ and His word.
A Biblical Foundation
The OARBC continues to stand on the fundamentals of the faith and for the supernatural element in Scripture. The following core beliefs are the foundation, the irreducible minimum, of true Christianity:
- The verbal inspiration of the Bible
- The virgin birth of Christ
- The deity of Christ
- Christ’s substitutionary work at the cross
- Christ’s bodily resurrection
- Christ’s second coming
We believe in a balanced separatism. Whatever the New Testament clearly teaches and emphasizes is major to us; we believe in standing for these clear teachings and standing apart from others who deny them. Whatever the New Testament is silent about, or gives liberty of choice in, are matters of individual conscience; we believe in giving others freedom to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in these areas without making them tests of fellowship. Thus, we attempt to major on the majors and to minor on the minors.
We are dedicated to the building of New Testament churches and are committed to fulfilling the Great Commission locally and internationally.
A Warm Friendship
The OARBC stands together in a loose confederacy of about 135 autonomous Baptist churches of like faith and practice. We are an extended and committed friendship of people who believe essentially the same doctrine and are of like minds. We take seriously the “one anothers” of the New Testament. Like any healthy friendship, we function on the strength of affection, mutual respect, and voluntarism. Internal consensus motivates us. We hold high respect for the autonomy of each local church that stands with us. Each church is independent and free to govern its own affairs. Happily and voluntarily, we stand together with the “one anothers” in this extended friendship.
The OARBC acknowledges the existence of ten autonomous local area fellowships within the state of Ohio. The State Association will, as much as possible, coordinate with these fellowships in the conduct of its ministries, and will provide counsel and encouragement to them as appropriate.
The OARBC has a leader to serve the churches. A State Representative serves as the “designated friend” of the pastors and churches in the Fellowship. He works closely with the Council of 12, pastors elected by the churches of state of Ohio to provide leadership in implementing the purposes of the OARBC.